President: Wendy Kerner
Vice President: Sarah Goss
Treasurer: Sena Hornby
Communications Officer: Kaitlin Stern
Secretary: Chaela Franck
Social Media Director: Mae Cooke
Program Coordinator: Eilidh McRae
Advisor: Debbie Vinick
Dues are $20.00 for a student (in school up to age 21), Regular membership $25.00, and $35.00 for a family membership (2-4 members), $40 Contributing Member, $50.00 Sustaining Member, $100 Patron of the Chapter., $500.00 Benefactor.
Membership year begins September 1st and ends August 31st of the following year.
To download (PDF) Membership form click here.
OR you may fill out the Membership form online here
Reciprocal memberships:
It has been agreed by the presidents of four tri-state area chapters of the American Harp Society, Metropolitan New York (MetroHarpNYC), New Jersey, Connecticut, and Long Island to extend a reciprocal membership to the members of these four chapters. For only $5 per reciprocal chapter, provided you have first purchased a membership in your home area, entitles you to attend all meetings provided by the chapters of your choice.
Connecticut members please contact:
NYC - Metro Harp: Chelsea Lane at
LI: Skyla Budd at
North NJ: Frances Duffy at
Members of the Boston Chapter can also join for $5. Connecticut members please contact Molly McCaffrey-Rhieu at
For all other states, a $10 fee will be required for reciprocal membership to the Connecticut chapter, provided you already have membership to your home chapter.
You will be sent a registration form and a newsletter from each reciprocal chapter you choose.
Connecticut Harp Society 2020 Website