Why join the Connecticut Chapter of the American Harp Society?:


• To get to know other harpists in your state.


• To promote and support the harp and harpists.


• For opportunities to participate in workshops, masterclasses, and recitals.


• To learn of upcoming performances, events, and concerts.


Please note: dues in the CT Chapter apply to local chapter membership, and are separate from national membership in the American Harp Society. Members are encouraged to join both! Our membership year is from Sept. 1 – August 31 of the following year.


Dues Category:


$20 Student (in school and up to 21 years of age)

$25 Regular Member (age 21 and over)

$35 Family Membership (2-4 Members; $5 for each additional thereafter)

$50 Friend of the Harp

$100 Patron Member


Are you interested in hosting or helping out at an upcoming Chapter Event? Please contact us.








Reciprocal memberships:


It has been agreed by the presidents of four tri-state area chapters of the American Harp Society, Metropolitan New York (MetroHarpNYC), New Jersey, Connecticut, and Long Island to extend a reciprocal membership to the members of these four chapters. For only $5 per reciprocal chapter, provided you have first purchased a membership in your home area, entitles you to attend all meetings provided by the chapters of your choice.


Members of the Boston Chapter can also join for $5.


For all other states, a $10 fee will be required for reciprocal membership to the Connecticut chapter, provided you already have membership to your home chapter.


You will be sent a registration form and a newsletter from each reciprocal chapter you choose.



If mailing, please return the form, with check made out to "CT Harp Chapter, AHS," to

Sena Hornby, Treasurer

221 Millers Way, Simsbury, CT 06070

Thank you!

Connecticut Harp Society 2020                                                                                                                                                                                        Website waypointsmedia.com